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Re: New York Times article

>>Executives at Netscape said yesterday that they were aware of
>>the security issues surrounding NFS and would make changes in
>>the next release of their software, expected before the end of
>>the year, to permit recipient of a downloaded program to check
>>it for signs of tampering.

>If one can patch the .EXE on the fly why not patch the signature, MAC, MIC
>or something like that? Is the promised protection possible at all (given 
>today's infrastructure).

Personally, the above claim makes me suspicious.  Is it truly possible
for Netscape to accomodate for the NFS security problems?  Have they
stumbled across a resolution the rest of the networking community have

Seth I. Rich - seth@hygnet.com - (610) 859-0100
Systems Administrator / Webmaster, HYGNet       My words are my own; please
Rabbits on walls, no problem.                   don't blame my employer!